The right way to make tea

Milk or tea first? Brew two minutes or four? Boil or not to boil?

These are questions that often haunt a tea lover’s mind. And since science has also joined the quest for the perfect cup of tea, we can expect concrete answers to these pressing questions.

So here are the solutions to the tea questions that vex you.

What should I put first in my cup- milk or tea?

A scientist at Loughborough University found that pouring milk in after the boiling water causes the milk to heat unevenly. The milk proteins lose their structure and affect the taste of your tea. So it would be better to pour milk first into the cup.

On the other hand, if you’ve placed a tea bag in the milk before you add water, the tea may not brew properly. So as a thumb rule: if you’re making tea in a pot, then milk should come first.

Should I boil tea?

This depends entirely on the type of tea you are making. For most oolong, white and green teas, boiling “burns” the leaves, and extracts too many of the tannins. As a result, the tea tastes bitter. However, some teas can (and should) be boiled for better flavour and texture. These include black tea, and our very own Indian chai. The latter can be boiled without or without milk, depending on personal preferences.

How long should I brew the tea?

It depends on the type of tea. Most teas need to be brewed between two and five minutes. In general, green and black tea require around two minutes, while oolong and white teas need to steep a bit longer. Herbal teas can be brewed up to five minutes.

Should I use loose tea leaves or tea bags?

Tea bags are very convenient for when you’re at work, in a rush or travelling. But the best flavours always come from loose-leaf tea. So invest in the right equipment and try to wake up a few minutes earlier to make the best possible cup of tea every morning.

What is the best way to make the perfect cup of tea?

The “perfect” cup of tea depends on a wide range of factors, from the type of tea, quality of water used, water temperature, brewing time, tea storage method etc. We suggest you experiment with these, and discover the method that works best for you and your family.